Saturday, February 28, 2009

what we learned today

Okay I met Scot Reagan on the vermont side of the conn river in Vernon.
I’ve got good news and bad news. Two mature eagles and an immature were spotted this morning by Scot. The bad news is old news but new for me: the current female eagle is actually a new mate for our male. Seems that during last spring the female, from Northampton and about 13 years old lost a clutch and then died for some reason I do not know. The female #2 was spotted with the female #1 and the male during this whole process. They recovered #1’s body, where and when I don’t know.
My concern about the female dying was a year late. The broken spring was in 2008.
I had watched #1’s actions and movements for 5-6 years and felt I had grown to know her a little. So the movement and look of #2 did not appear the same to my eyes and sure enough she’s a new mate. She has a more raggedy appearance and she holds her leg back for long periods of time. I all the years I watched the eagles I’d never witnessed this form of relaxation.

So how old is #2? is she banded, where is she from?
why would she have been hanging out with the two mature eagles in the spring? did she kill #1?
where, when and who found #1’s body?
Is the male #1’s original mate? I thought he was younger than she was?
Did #1 have another male b4 this one?
Where is he from? Is this Tom Ricardi’s eagle?
The immature hanging out with the new couple couldn’t be her offspring since she’s new on the scene could it be his offspring and is the immature vying for the female’s attention since she’s not his mother?

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